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Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() Dec 12, 2006 Sunday, 12 November, 1971 Delhi My dear Atreya Rsi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 24, 1971, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I have not received as yet any recommendation from Rupanuga for initiation of your wife, but as soon as I do I shall be glad to accept her. You are a very good boy, and you are sincerely serving Krishna, so you may know it for certain that very soon all of your anxieties will disappear. I am especially pleased that you are eager to attract the upper class of your society by hosting them in your place you have got near the temple. This is a good proposal. First convince them of our philosophy, then request them very seriously to cooperate with us in spreading this great Krishna Consciousness Movement. If we get their cooperation then our prestige and local standing will be very solid and respectable. So I am very much pleased that you are developing this program of approaching big big businessmen and leaders. So I think you should stay there in New York and work in this way and help me. My main activity is in the western countries, especially America, and New York is the main city of the world, so why not stay there and develop your program very nicely, in cooperation with Rupanuga. If you have any questions how to do it, you may ask me. As for Mayapur scheme, this year there was severe flooding, so I am waiting one more season to observe our chances. If there is continual severe flooding, then our plan for Mayapur may have to be altered. But meanwhile go on collecting. I want also that we may have a very nice place in Vrindaban. When I was there the municipality gave us a piece of land, and we have offers of land from other sources, so things look favorable for our branch there. If we get sufficient facilities there, we will revive the spiritual life of Vrindaban, and the whole of India and the world will appreciate and be benefited. I shall pass on the information you have sent regarding help from Indian government to Gurudasa, who is working here in Delhi with many officials. Now they are engaged in war with Pakistan, the government may not be too willing to help us, but we shall try. You are a nice devotee, with good business brain and much energy for serving Krishna and thus earning for yourself the Supreme reward. So I want that you shall work nicely with Rupanuga, Karandhara and the other leaders to utilize what Krishna has given you to push on His movement very vigorously. Our philosophy cannot be challenged or defeated by any mundane philosophy ,and on this basis alone we stand substantial and certain of victory over all others. So Krishna has favored you to be one of the leading men, now you just become convinced yourself of this philosophy, and very soberly, with great determination infect the whole world with it. That shall be your success, and by assisting me in this way you shall without any doubt one day reach the Supreme destination, and go back to Home, back to Godhead. I thank you very much for your helping me. Hope this will meet you and your good wife in strong health and cheerful mood, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 14:09 | 12 November, 1971 Delhi My Dear Sivananda, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 1, 1971, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. You have from the very beginning been a very determined and nice servant of Krishna, and just now as I am taking my daily massage, I remember that you also used to massage me. You are a very good boy, thank you very much for helping me. I received a few days back a recommendation from Srivatsa to accept Joachim and Gabi as my disciples, and I have done so and sent their beads to them. However there was no mention of Jeanne Pierre. So by your recommendation I am glad to consent to accept him as my duly initiated disciple, and I am sending his beads duly chanted under separate post. His spiritual name shall be _________. So far East Berlin, I don't think there is need to push the matter farther. Our real field is the western countries. But I thought if some program could be started in these Communist countries there are many nice boys there who are fed up with their government and want to join us. Later we shall see. Your idea to take German citizenship and organize the whole of Germany is the first class plan. If you can recruit many members there and get German language books published, that is the very best idea. When Mayapur place is organized you can come and see it, but your place is Germany. The German people are very intelligent and advanced in philosophy. Lately we have been discussing some of their philosophers like Kant, Hegel, Marx, and so on, so I can understand that there are many intellectual people in Germany who will appreciate our Krishna philosophy. They have got good respect for India's philosophy, so now we must take advantage and present it purely. Therefore the printing of so many books in German language is very necessary. I have heard that you may be going to Heidelberg, Germany, where there is a very large and important university. That is our best field. Become yourself very convinced and learned in our Krishna philosophy and take it into such university and contaminate everything with it. We are not afraid to challenge every mundane philosopher and defeat them, because they are simply operating on the mental platform which is constantly changing, so they cannot have any real authority. But because we are hearing from the Source of all knowledge, Krishna, through His representatives, the saints and acaryas in disciplic succession, we have got solid basis for understanding. If we are very much convinced to preach in this way, the intelligent class of men will respect and join us, and this will be your success in Germany. If a Marx can change so many men's minds to follow his imperfect philosophy, what can Krishna, the Supreme Perfect, accomplish! If we remain pure and teach others purely, then we will achieve all success and the whole world listen to us and be delivered from their very dangerous condition. Thank you very much for assisting me in this great endeavor, I think you are convinced that it is the highest and most exalted activity of all. Since your wife has not come back, you should prepare yourself for sannyasa. I think it is Krishna's grace she has left you. I hope this will meet you in good health and cheerful mood, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 14:09 | 12 November, 1971 Delhi My Dear Uddhava, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge of your letter of November 13, 1971, just now received by me, along with a box of very nice slides. Thank you very very much for the color slides. I am very much satisfied with all of my disciples who have worked so hard on these paintings for Srimad-Bhagavatam. In fact, I think there is no other art existing which can in any way match them. They are truly transcendental to every mundane conception of art anywhere, and I can understand that Krishna is giving you all good guidance from within, because you have shown Him that you are all such sincere boys and girls. I have got good news from Rupanuga that MacMillan Co. will be printing our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, so why not they should print our Srimad-Bhagavatam as well? These color illustrations are not found so nicely in any other publications but ours, so we are unique in this way. Now go on producing them profusely, along with all kinds of nice photo displays, slide shows, advertisements, etc., for public propaganda, and the public will note that Krishna Consciousness, yes, it must be very nice thing. I am very much pleased by your wonderful cooperation in spreading this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Actually, this Movement is full with wonderful form, color, activities, everything. So now you go on in this way, and simply by your desiring to paint and photograph His attractive features, Krishna will give you all benedictions, please know it for certain. Thank you very much for assisting me in this way. Kindly offer my blessings to your good wife and daughter. Hope this meets you all in strong health and cheerful mood, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 14:08 | 12 November, 1971 Delhi My Dear Danavir, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of December 2, 1971, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I am very glad that you will holding the 1st Annual Abhisheka Yatra Parade and Festival in Portland city. Also I am pleased to learn that Mukunda is helping you. He is one of my first disciples, along with his wife Janaki, and I am very fond of them both. They are both very intelligent and educated, but Mukunda is little mild, so he could not control his wife and there was some difficulty. But Janaki* will listen to me. Whatever I say, she will do. Now I am very glad to hear that they are working nicely to help you there, that is very encouraging. Why Mukunda does not write? I am also glad to hear that Visnujana will lead kirtana. Why he also does not write? I have heard there is some plan to go to South America but I have not got any letter from Visnujana what is the plan. Also it is nice that you are infiltrating into the schools and colleges. These are the best customers for our philosophy. Give them nice philosophy, let them challenge us with any mundane philosophy and we shall very scholarly defeat them. The difference is that we have got absolute authority from the Source of Knowledge, Krishna, while your western mundane philosophers are simply speculating on the mental platform, which is always changing. Therefore, a philosopher is not a philosopher unless he refutes his predecessor and produces something new. This kind of knowledge is useless. Actually, no one has got any philosophy nowadays, everyone is acting according to his own whims. Therefore there is no security, no peace, everything is unpredictable and dangerous. Therefore all the young boys and girls in your country--and all over the world--are fed up with this lack of philosophy and they have taken to the philosophy of hopelessness: Everything is empty, therefore let me enjoy, it doesn't matter. But this philosophy is also useless. Because if you want to enjoy and I also want to enjoy, there will be clash, fighting. And we have seen in Moscow that Marx and Lenin philosophy is no better. God is dead, the State is God: this philosophy has killed the spirit, and the Russian people are very morose and unhappy. They want to join us, that is a fact. So now you defeat all sorts of philosophies, become very convinced yourself and learn our Krishna philosophy perfectly. In this way, any sane man will listen to you and become convinced. Our philosophy is practical. Actually, philosophy means practical application--if it is mere theory then it has no value. But our Krishna philosophy is working now in modern society to solve all kinds of problems, all over the world, never mind white man, black man, Christian or Hindu, Russian or American. Everyone is feeling the nice result of our philosophy. And it has worked in the same way for the last 5,000 years at least, taking historical calculation. So which philosophy is better, 50- or 100-year old Darwin philosophy, or eternal Krishna philosophy? Just try to understand. Approach Krishna way of life from every angle--it is perfect. So try to impress this intelligent class of men, give them nice debate, answer all questions nicely, distribute profuse prasadam, chant and dance nicely, and invite them to join us to get the perfection of their education, the Supreme knowledge. Do not be too much pushy with Mrs. Dossa. She is an elderly lady, and she will resent too much forceful approach. Keep in touch with her regularly, and be very sincere to help and be kind in every way, but if you are overly insistent she will go away. Deal with her very tactfully, and she will come to you. Mukunda may help you with Mrs. Dossa. I hope this meets you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami *She is my naughty daughter but I like her in all circumstances. ACBS/sda letters | 14:08 | 12 November, 1971 Delhi My Dear Kirtanananda Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I am in receipt of your letter of November 3, 1971. Yes, you may take the 32" brass deities, along with throne and paraphernalia on your tour of many states, and in this way try very nicely to reveal to everyone everywhere you go the ecstasy of arcana worship. I have answered your several letters, but somehow or other it appears they did not reach you. I am very much pleased by this travelling Sankirtana program. Kindly execute it nicely, and sell as many books and magazines as possible, so that by reading Krishna philosophy, and by seeing you, they will become fully convinced. Please keep me informed of your successes. Hoping this meets you in strong health and cheerful mood, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 03:01 | Dec 10, 2006 Friday, 10 December, 1971 Delhi My dear Rupanuga, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 2, 1971, and it has given me great pleasure to hear such encouraging news from you. Practically speaking, it appears my work in America and the Western countries has been now successful and everything is now going on very nicely there. Because by Krishna's Grace I have got good assistants like yourself, therefore I am successful. Now I have built the skyscraper framework, you fill it in nicely. I am especially pleased that MacMillan Co. is now very interested to print Bhagavad-gita As It Is. I am also pleased to know that in one bookstore there were 1 doz. of our present Gita. This is very encouraging news. It means that ours is becoming the biggest-selling Gita in U.S.A., because there is not 1 doz. of any other translation stocked anywhere. I very much approve of the $4.95 price, or if you think it is better, $3.95 may also be charged. How many pictures will you include in the paperback edition? Hardback? What about India, will MacMillan versions of my books be available here, and for what price? So far I know, there is a MacMillan Co. office in India, I think in Bombay. If they will print an edition here, that will also be nice. I shall [TEXT UNCLEAR] This program of roving Sankirtana must be executed because it is appropriate for preaching. You may send out advance parties to the cities you propose to visit, with posters, etc., to intimate the people you are coming. Your plan to increase our exposure through the media is very nice and completely approved by me. Your program of opening only a few more centers, concentrating instead on colleges and other parts of the world is also very nice. In fact, preaching in the schools and colleges is very, very important. Practically you have introduced this college program, in Buffalo. Now you make it perfect by infiltrating every school-college in your country, and give them pure Krishna philosophy, the highest knowledge. This is a great proposal for distributing our books, literature and philosophy. I am very, very glad that you are planning your three-day festival in Central Park next summer. That will be especially triumphant celebration for me, because only five years back I was sitting alone under a tree in your park thinking that perhaps no one will join me, but let me try. Now I have got so many wonderful sons and daughters, that we require huge arrangement for chanting in the park, with many tents, kitchens, etc. Your plan is very nice. Our Delhi pandal was also very much well-received by everyone. From early morning, 6 am, to late at night, sometimes past midnight, thousands of persons came there to see and listen. One very popular feature was our Question and Answer booth, wherein one of our elderly devotees would sit on a very high vyasasana and answer questions put by the visitors. This item became so controversial and popular that it was open at least until midnight daily to accommodate all the curious public. Everyone delights in lively debates and discussions of philosophy. Also there were many booths showing photo-displays of our worldwide activities and one exhibit of a large model of our Mayapur scheme. These things may also be included in your New York festival. I am happy to hear that so many guests are attending your temple. Actually, that is the same story everywhere. So I have become convinced that our Krishna Consciousness Movement is finally having some effect on the world, and I am very satisfied with the work of my sincere disciples for assisting Lord Caitanya in this way. Actually, He has said that this KC Movement will spread to every nook and corner of the world--so there is no doubt it will happen. He is God, so how can He be wrong? So it will happen. So if we are intelligent we will assist and get the credit. Otherwise, someone else will. I gladly consent to accept Surita and Paul Darling as my duly initiated disciples, as recommended by you. Their beads and 1 copy of Gayatri mantra plus one sacred thread, also duly chanted, are sent under separate post. Hold a fire yajna for all three. One thing, the Gayatri tape must be heard through earphones into the right ear. Their names shall be: Surita/ Sunita Dasi/ and Paul/Apurva Das. Hope this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 20:36 | 10 December, 1971 Delhi, India My Dear Son, Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of Locanananda I have gladly consented to accept you as my duly initiated disciple. your beads have been duly chanted by me and they are sent under separate post. I have given you the spiritual name: GURUGAURANGA DAS. I am so glad to learn that you have been such a great help to Locanananda there in our Geneva Center. I can understand that you are a very sincere boy and are very eligible for going back to Home, back to Godhead. And the process is simple. Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life and in the end reach the Supreme destination. I hope this will meet you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 20:36 | 10 December, 1971 Delhi My Dear Sons, Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of Brihaspati I have gladly consented to accept all of you as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads have duly chanted by me and they are sent under separate post. I have given you the spiritual names as follows: Stuart Rose--Sousilya Das Eugene Baum--Gadagraja Das David Peterson--Dayala Candra Das I am so glad to learn that all of you have been such a great help to Brihaspati there in our St. Louis Center. I can understand that all of you are very sincere boys and are very eligible candidates for going back to Home, back to Godhead. And the process is simple. Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life and in the end reach the Supreme destination. I hope this will meet you all in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 20:35 | 10 December, 1971 Delhi My Dear Bhagavan das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 22, 1971, along with beads and letters from several devotees at Detroit temple. I am very glad to accept these students as my duly initiated disciples and their names shall be as follows; Brian Tibbits / Indradyumna Das Ilene Tibbits / Krpamayi Dasi Heidi Paeva / Hrisakti Dasi These are all very nice boys and girls, and I have very much appreciated their attitudes of devotion and surrender as displayed in their letters to me. I have replied them under separate cover. Their beads, duly chanted by me, as well as three copies of Gayatri mantra and three sacred threads, also duly chanted on, are sent under separate post. Hold a fire yajna and give Gayatri mantra to Kaliya Krishna das, Batua Gopala das, and Ichhamati dasi. I think you have got a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra, so use this tape. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear. So the fire yajna can be held for all six devotees. Also, I have sent beads of Sukasagari dasi, duly chanted. In cases when beads are lost, it is not necessary to give new ones to the spiritual master for again chanting. Once the disciple received the Hare Krishna Mantra from the spiritual master, that is an eternal blessing, whether these beads or those beads. If you recommend, then I also approve of the marriage between Kaliya Krishna das and ___ You may please thank them for the sum of $371.00 which they have offered me as daksina, and which has been duly deposited in my Book Fund account in Los Angeles. If you can get some cars or vans from Chrysler Co. we shall be very glad to employ them fully in Krishna's service in India. But there is great propaganda now against America in India, due to your country's stand against India and the war with Pakistan so you may explain them that by presenting these cars for our welfare work that they will be improving America's reputation among the Indians, because we can publicly give them credit for helping us in this way. I very much approve of your enclosed brochure, and I am pleased by your festival plan for the colleges all over the state. Actually, this roving Sankirtana and college program is the most appropriate plan for spreading Krishna Consciousness and preaching. I have just received intimation from Rupanuga of a very large festival he is planning for Central Park. His conjecture is very nice, and I want that many such festivals should be held in every city. I have one suggestion, that on Sundays you make a tent in that backyard garden to accommodate many guests and provide profuse prasadam to all. Yes, actually there is now a skyscraper framework. Now you have to decorate and cover it nicely. To construct the form is the difficult portion of the adventure, but when it is there, it is not difficult to finish it--simply it requires a little taste. I am always thankful to Krishna that I have somehow got so many wonderful boys like yourself to assist me in this way. Now it is practically in your hands to finish and push on what I have started. I am now getting all respect and honor, so now you must preserve that standard and not dishonor me. Thank you very much for helping me. I hope this finds you in good health and cheerful mood. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda letters | 20:34 | |
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